Signum theater was the first professional dance company in the late nineteen eighties in Serbia formed in 1989 in Bitef theater. The group consisted of eight dancers: Anđelija Todorović, Tatjana Pajović, Dejan Pajović, Tatjana Popović, Vesna Stanojević, Danica Arapović, Svetlana Marković, Nenad Čolić. Their stage productions were combining languages of avant-garde theater, physical theater and modern dance, centered around narratives from literary drama classics (The Thibetan book of the dead; The House of Bernarda Alba; The Images of Dorian Gray; The Macbeth looking for Macbeth). Each of these authentic dance works under the choreography of Dejan Pajović - oscillating between non-verbal theater expressions, gesticulations, situations and strong technical dance vocabulary - showcased the group Signum in full creative and professional superiority. The expressiveness of Pajović's work had a constant value, whether in the austerely simple set design, minimal script or in dancers' expressiveness awakening all of their cells, not just their dance apparatus. The "map" of a human face and the language of the body could replace and succinctly convey the intensity of literary narration