
Artworks: Choreographies and other artworks

Under this category you will find dance and performing arts' works of the different media, forms and formats from finished proscenium choreographic works to studio practices, from dance books to audio-visual artworks. The artworks in question here spring from the extended notion of artwork in dance and performing arts of different historic paradigms.



The festivals in contemporary dance have been the oldest non-institutional hetero-chronic and curated events in the cultural contexts of ex-Yugoslavia with the first examples dated in the early 1930s. They are to this date still one of the most important forms of showing the dance and performing arts’ works in the curated programmes.


The category of events archives examples of the dance and performing arts’ works that from different reasons extends beyond the category of artwork. They may be meta-artistic, historically significant beyond exclusively aesthetic terms, merely discursive or in some other way more appropriate for the category of event.


Text documents



Features in the category of the documentations are those materials connected to the artistic processes and works in dance and performing arts that have not been published but are crucial for understanding the contexts of singular works, choreographic oeuvres or artistic communities in the certain period of times. Here you can find the notes, notations, letters, diaries, contracts or production correspondences that usually stay in the private folders of people or organizations.