
Teja Reba: Made With Love (2015)

Made With Love
Person(s) / Collective: Teja Reba
Title:Made With Love
Date of Premiere:12. 1. 2015
Production: Zavod Maska Ljubljana

creator: Teja Reba
choreographer: Teja Reba
director: Teja Reba
performer: Teja Reba
performer: Loup Abramovici
performer: Ava Reba Ambramovici
performer: Bela Reba Ambramovici
performer: Eduardo Radon
dramaturg: Suzana Koncut
composer: Eduardo Radon
sound designer: Eduardo Radon
Lighting and Space Designer: Meta Grgurevič
Lighting and Space Designer: Jaša
technical director: Igor Remeta
Graphic Designer: Ajdin Bašić
producer: Tina Dobnik
Public Relations: Janja Tekavec


»Dancer, choreographer, curator, and activist Teja Reba started to create her hybrid performative choreographies during a period of financial crisis in the Republic of Slovenia. In contrast with the previous generations of choreographers who would mostly engage with (modern) dance composition or experimental approaches to dance in the relatively stable or developing circumstances, Reba’s generation confronted unstable working conditions in the eroding cultural system. The dance labour turned into a problematic ideological matter and a committed topic to work with. Her uninhibited and energized engagement with problems of gender trainings connected to the different social constraints, female stereotypes and myths, ideological abuse and penetrations into private life from the perspective of labour are elaborated in the work Made with Love (Delo iz ljubezni) in which she brings onto the stage different performative means and strategies along with her own family. In Made with Love Reba, on the basis of a precise score, arranges the gradual deterioration of composed orders and symbolic structures and set scenes into the ‘performative destabilization’ and ‘affective power.’ Reba’s work has developed as a to challenge social roles and ideological mechanisms controlling the visible and invisible female labour with the currency of love and passion and had no inhibitions in declaring it as feminist.«

From Nika Arhar, Jasmina Založnik (ed.), Bodies ofm Dance, Aspects of Dance as Cultural, Political, and Art Work in Yugoslavia and After (Belgrade, 2024)


Photos / Miha Fras / 3 items

Photos / Jaša / 2 items

Photos / Nada Žgank / 1 items