Dejan Srhoj (1978, Ljubljana) discovered classical ballet early on. Between 1998 and 2001 he was a soloist at the Slovene National Theatre Opera and Ballet Ljubljana. His departure from the ballet ensemble can be seen in the light of similar departures, which was a specific cultural-production phenomenon that can be traced throughout the former Yugoslavia and the wider East-European region since the first half of the 20th century and can be attributed mostly to the rigidity of ballet institutions. In 2001 Dejan teamed up with the dancer and choreographer Goran Bogdanovski and co-founded the non-governmental organisation focusing on contemporary dance production and education Fičo Balet. In 2010 they also co-founded the Nomad Dance Academy, aimed at contributing to the professionalisation of contemporary performing arts in Slovenia and the Balkans.

Dejan has worked with many acclaimed choreographers and theatre directors, among others with Janez Janša, Ivica Buljan, Sebastijan Horvat, Betontanc, Magdalena Reiter, Silvan Omerzu, Kaja Lorenci, Snježana Premuš etc.

Dejan’s work is informed by the principles of self-organisation and collective work, which he understands as an endeavour in which those involved do not necessarily have to speak in one voice in order for cooperation and creativity to occur and thrive. He describes this sort of approach “composing differences” and it is reflected in his production, curating, pedagogical as well as choreographic work. Based on the concept of choreography as an expanded practice, Dejan has used choreographic principles also outside the field of culture, co-developing with Nina Božič Yams a set of tools that use choreography for process optimisation in different types of companies and organisations. (Text by Rok Vevar.)